Prepping for Planets ~ 19 Mar 2013

While watching the descent of the crescent moon and comet Pan-Starrs in the western sky last week, I was struck by the prevailing astrological patterns and their “coincidental” effects in the news. Just as Mars and the Moon entered Aries, NASA revealed they found evidence that at one time fabulously pure water rushed across the planet’s surface, and likely it contained microbes: life! While not little green men, it’s still quite amazing. And coincidentally, the probe that brought this discovery to us is named Curiosity, a trait that could be applied to the innocent side of Aries.

Comets have long been associated with the rise and fall of rulers, and perhaps the ushering in of those destined to, or voted to, lead. During two of the more visible nights for the comet, Pope Francis was elected in the Vatican. And also, the bartender who captured the video recording of Mitt Romney at the $50K per plate fund raiser in which he made some surprising off-the-wall comments about workers in China and the infamous 47% comments, came out publically.

My musings continued to the tendency of those in astrology, or life in general to pin life-launch criterion, wittingly or unwittingly, to celestial events. It’s like saying, “When spring/fall rolls around - relevant within two days - I’ll start whatever.” Or, “next time we have a blue moon, I’ll... insert objective here.” This effect also supports the concept of overnight successes and the recklessly endorses the latest phenom’s rise to fame, also fed by reality shows. Hey, so and so got famous on YouTube. Yeah, and what were so and so’s transits? Typically, there’s a blast that brings a person into the limelight. But those moving into the limelight for their deserved moments of fame typically have been at it for quite some time.

Consider the actor who wins an award, just like that. Of course, prior to the award, years of casting calls, pounding the pavement, pitching and begging preceded landing the role that brought about the win. The scientist who wins an amazing funding grant for research takes that prize only after a slew of experiments, late nights and frustrating setbacks combine to pave the road to success.

Today, in the realm of social media, there seems to be an epidemic of entitlement. I’m thinking that this may be attributable to Eris - the goddess who resents being snubbed. As you likely know, in addition to my astrological research and work, I have one hand - actually it’s an arm, up to the elbow - in the film industry. So I must seek out all opportunities including those appearing online. Constantly appearing on social networking boards specific to the entertainment industry, the aura of entitlement pervades the “wannabe” postings. People post on boards seeking to employ people, here’s my picture. Cast me. First, that’s not offering a job; that’s seeking a job. Often folks show up with a half-baked idea, demanding that a writer sign-on with them and pen a brilliant screenplay compensated only by the hope this might actually fly. It happens in other realms, too. A young person might post a resume online, expecting a career break, overlooking the statistic that what? Only two in ten thousand resumes are ever read? The same is true with blog posts. The stats reveal that the average blog is read by less than a handful of web searchers.


So what can be done for a person aspiring for more and wanting to connect with the celestial influences above? Heaps of preparation. Consider this following:

Should one set up a chart for an actor/director/writer at the time of winning a great award, the transits of the acclaim may or may not be there. Does this make astrology wrong?

The reason is not that astrology’s transit expectations contain flaws. The flaw is contained in the belief of when/how transits should be applied. When the decision for an award is made, it is not the time of the announcement of the award. I have come to realize when the decision was made is when the transits reveal the best bang for the buck. Unfortunately, there is no time to know when that selection was decided. The award results are reported may be days, weeks or months after the decision was made. Sure there are good transits at the award, but often better transits precede the ceremony. The point in real life is this: should you feel great transits came and went in your horoscope, decisions that affected your professional stature, success and acclaim may have been made on those missing result transits. Sometimes, there's no way of knowing. So if life feels a little late with regard to transits, perhaps this is why. What's person to do?

Be early. Be ready for the transits ahead. Do your prep work. Abandon the notion that the precise time of an aspect is when you’re going to burst into the upper strata of high-flying success. In advance of each transit, fortify your results with an era of concentrated effort. For a Jupiter transit, a strong push is required for ten degrees prior to the exact aspect - or in temporal terms, figure at least ten to twelve weeks. Given you want to ride the wave of a Mars transit, you’ll need to be exceedingly proactive for three weeks prior to the exact moment of alignment.

While I wrote the above paragraph, I heard snickering in my office. I turned about to see my Pilate ball wearing a necktie I casually dropped upon it. It looked a bit like Saturn with a very colorful ring. No doubt Saturn was reaching out to this post - and just in time, I might add. He said, best I can translate from Titanian (he seems to favor the dialect of that moon), “Ha. You think three weeks or three months is enough? Ha ha! Even three years is paltry per my standards. You have to bust your butt, and grunt and grind.” Then he really got under my skin. He said, “Aren’t you the one who loves to write Saturn is the backbone of creativity?”

Saturn is the backbone of creativity. Hone your skill. Apply your creative gas every day. When you have your goods polished, use Jupiter transits for PR, hype, social networking and creating sizzle. When Mars (or Jupiter) transits, be ready to go in the days before the transit. Those who commence activity on or during a transit may be mournfully late.

Do your work well in advance. Do the Virgo-laden mise en place drill dutifully and joyfully. Get ready so when the transit happens, you’ll show up as scrubbed up as you can be... and in a timely, in advance manner. It’s okay to show up early.

Prioritize your transits. Does a Mercury retrograde override a Jupiter passage? Not hardly. Does Mars square the Moon mean you should hold back? No! It means, locate your motive, align with a nurturing intent, and get it out there while the getting’s good.

Now, if you missed a transit - maybe because Mercury was retrograde, as it recently was - lament not. There will always be transits coming up that can be used. If you’re not entirely clear on when the transits will next occur, get doing what you know you need to be doing to advance your noblest causes in life. When done, you can apply your intuition for timing, or way better, reach out to your astrologer.

Sadly, astrologers do not possess a lottery-wish-granting magic wand. Believe me, I wish we did. Our skill comes in aiding those with solid effort, diligent research and applied creative talent in locating windows of amplified receptivity in life.

Several planets are pushing through Aries now. Others will follow. To honor Eris and not be excluded from life, do your work and prep for the planets.

Transit alerts:


The next several days the Sun squares those groovy pulsars in early Capricorn that, when in the unconscious creative zone, allow a person to work faster than humanly possible. You know what to do. Be your own favorite Martian and work the essence of the red planet.


Ceres is just about to oppose the Galactic Center. From now until when Jupiter arrives at the opposition point in June, everyone must advocate for progress. Get on the bandwagon of promising change. Advocate for platforms that will make a positive difference in the world. Come up with ideas for designs of things you wish someone would invent. Think globally when noting mundane shortages, pitfalls or deficiencies. Someone’s got to come up with the great new brainstorms. Why not you?

Okay folks, Mercury is no longer retrograde. That means there’s no possible excuse for not booking your consultation or buying things from my site’s store.

One more detail, in the coming weeks the frequency of these post will decrease. No worries. If there's big news, I'll be around.